Installing virtualenvΒΆ

virtualenv, sets a “virtual environment” that allows you to run different projects with separate libraries side by side. This is a good idea both for development and production, as it’ll assure that each project uses their own library versions and don’t affect each other.


For App Engine development, virtualenv is not necessary. The SDK provides a “sandboxed environment” that serves almost the same purposes.

If you don’t have a package installer in your system yet (like pip or easy_install), install one. See Installing packages.

Then follow these steps to install virtualenv:

1. To install it on a Linux or Mac systems, type in the command line:

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Or, using easy_install:

$ sudo easy_install virtualenv

2. Then create a directory for your app, access it and setup a virtual environment using the following command:

$ virtualenv env

3. Activate the environment. On Linux of Mac, use:

$ . env/bin/activate

Or on a Windows system:

$ env\scripts\activate