Source code for webapp2_extras.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011 webapp2 AUTHORS.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Utilities for authentication and authorization.
import logging
import time

import six
import webapp2

from webapp2_extras import sessions

#: Default configuration values for this module. Keys are:
#: user_model
#:     User model which authenticates custom users and tokens.
#:     Can also be a string in dotted notation to be lazily imported.
#:     Default is :class:`webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models.User`.
#: session_backend
#:     Name of the session backend to be used. Default is `securecookie`.
#: cookie_name
#:     Name of the cookie to save the auth session. Default is `auth`.
#: token_max_age
#:     Number of seconds of inactivity after which an auth token is
#:     invalidated. The same value is used to set the ``max_age`` for
#:     persistent auth sessions. Default is 86400 * 7 * 3 (3 weeks).
#: token_new_age
#:     Number of seconds after which a new token is created and written to
#:     the database, and the old one is invalidated.
#:     Use this to limit database writes; set to None to write on all requests.
#:     Default is 86400 (1 day).
#: token_cache_age
#:     Number of seconds after which a token must be checked in the database.
#:     Use this to limit database reads; set to None to read on all requests.
#:     Default is 3600 (1 hour).
#: user_attributes
#:     A list of extra user attributes to be stored in the session.
#      The user object must provide all of them as attributes.
#:     Default is an empty list.
default_config = {
    'user_model':      'webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models.User',
    'session_backend': 'securecookie',
    'cookie_name':     'auth',
    'token_max_age':   86400 * 7 * 3,
    'token_new_age':   86400,
    'token_cache_age': 3600,
    'user_attributes': [],

#: Internal flag for anonymous users.
_anon = object()

class AuthError(Exception):
    """Base auth exception."""

class InvalidAuthIdError(AuthError):
    """Raised when a user can't be fetched given an auth_id."""

class InvalidPasswordError(AuthError):
    """Raised when a user password doesn't match."""

[docs]class AuthStore(object): """Provides common utilities and configuration for :class:`Auth`.""" #: Configuration key. config_key = __name__ #: Required attributes stored in a session. _session_attributes = ['user_id', 'remember', 'token', 'token_ts', 'cache_ts']
[docs] def __init__(self, app, config=None): """Initializes the session store. :param app: A :class:`webapp2.WSGIApplication` instance. :param config: A dictionary of configuration values to be overridden. See the available keys in :data:`default_config`. """ = app # Base configuration. self.config = app.config.load_config( self.config_key, default_values=default_config, user_values=config )
# User data we're interested in ------------------------------------------- @webapp2.cached_property def session_attributes(self): """The list of attributes stored in a session. This must be an ordered list of unique elements. """ seen = set() attrs = self._session_attributes + self.user_attributes return [a for a in attrs if a not in seen and not seen.add(a)] @webapp2.cached_property def user_attributes(self): """The list of attributes retrieved from the user model. This must be an ordered list of unique elements. """ seen = set() attrs = self.config['user_attributes'] return [a for a in attrs if a not in seen and not seen.add(a)] # User model related ------------------------------------------------------ @webapp2.cached_property def user_model(self): """Configured user model.""" cls = self.config['user_model'] if isinstance(cls, six.string_types): cls = self.config['user_model'] = webapp2.import_string(cls) return cls def get_user_by_auth_password(self, auth_id, password, silent=False): """Returns a user dict based on auth_id and password. :param auth_id: Authentication id. :param password: User password. :param silent: If True, raises an exception if auth_id or password are invalid. :returns: A dictionary with user data. :raises: ``InvalidAuthIdError`` or ``InvalidPasswordError``. """ try: user = self.user_model.get_by_auth_password(auth_id, password) return self.user_to_dict(user) except (InvalidAuthIdError, InvalidPasswordError): if not silent: raise return None def get_user_by_auth_token(self, user_id, token): """Returns a user dict based on user_id and auth token. :param user_id: User id. :param token: Authentication token. :returns: A tuple ``(user_dict, token_timestamp)``. Both values can be None. The token timestamp will be None if the user is invalid or it is valid but the token requires renewal. """ user, ts = self.user_model.get_by_auth_token(user_id, token) return self.user_to_dict(user), ts def create_auth_token(self, user_id): """Creates a new authentication token. :param user_id: Authentication id. :returns: A new authentication token. """ return self.user_model.create_auth_token(user_id) def delete_auth_token(self, user_id, token): """Deletes an authentication token. :param user_id: User id. :param token: Authentication token. """ return self.user_model.delete_auth_token(user_id, token) def user_to_dict(self, user): """Returns a dictionary based on a user object. Extra attributes to be retrieved must be set in this module's configuration. :param user: User object: an instance the custom user model. :returns: A dictionary with user data. """ if not user: return None user_dict = dict((a, getattr(user, a)) for a in self.user_attributes) user_dict['user_id'] = user.get_id() return user_dict # Session related --------------------------------------------------------- def get_session(self, request): """Returns an auth session. :param request: A :class:`webapp2.Request` instance. :returns: A session dict. """ store = sessions.get_store(request=request) return store.get_session(self.config['cookie_name'], backend=self.config['session_backend']) def serialize_session(self, data): """Serializes values for a session. :param data: A dict with session data. :returns: A list with session data. """ try: assert len(data) >= len(self.session_attributes) return [data.get(k) for k in self.session_attributes] except AssertionError: logging.warning( 'Invalid user data: %r. Expected attributes: %r.' % (data, self.session_attributes)) return None def deserialize_session(self, data): """Deserializes values for a session. :param data: A list with session data. :returns: A dict with session data. """ try: assert len(data) >= len(self.session_attributes) return dict(zip(self.session_attributes, data)) except AssertionError: logging.warning( 'Invalid user data: %r. Expected attributes: %r.' % (data, self.session_attributes)) return None # Validators -------------------------------------------------------------- def validate_password(self, auth_id, password, silent=False): """Validates a password. Passwords are used to log-in using forms or to request auth tokens from services. :param auth_id: Authentication id. :param password: Password to be checked. :param silent: If True, raises an exception if auth_id or password are invalid. :returns: user or None :raises: ``InvalidAuthIdError`` or ``InvalidPasswordError``. """ return self.get_user_by_auth_password(auth_id, password, silent=silent) def validate_token(self, user_id, token, token_ts=None): """Validates a token. Tokens are random strings used to authenticate temporarily. They are used to validate sessions or service requests. :param user_id: User id. :param token: Token to be checked. :param token_ts: Optional token timestamp used to pre-validate the token age. :returns: A tuple ``(user_dict, token)``. """ now = int(time.time()) delete = token_ts and ((now - token_ts) > self.config['token_max_age']) create = False if not delete: # Try to fetch the user. user, ts = self.get_user_by_auth_token(user_id, token) if user: # Now validate the real timestamp. delete = (now - ts) > self.config['token_max_age'] create = (now - ts) > self.config['token_new_age'] if delete or create or not user: if delete or create: # Delete token from db. self.delete_auth_token(user_id, token) if delete: user = None token = None return user, token def validate_cache_timestamp(self, cache_ts, token_ts=None): """Validates a cache timestamp. :param cache_ts: Token timestamp to validate the cache age. :param token_ts: Token timestamp to validate the token age. :returns: True if it is valid, False otherwise. """ now = int(time.time()) valid = (now - cache_ts) < self.config['token_cache_age'] if valid and token_ts: valid2 = (now - token_ts) < self.config['token_max_age'] valid3 = (now - token_ts) < self.config['token_new_age'] valid = valid2 and valid3 return valid
[docs]class Auth(object): """Authentication provider for a single request.""" #: A :class:`webapp2.Request` instance. request = None #: An :class:`AuthStore` instance. store = None #: Cached user for the request. _user = None
[docs] def __init__(self, request): """Initializes the auth provider for a request. :param request: A :class:`webapp2.Request` instance. """ self.request = request = get_store(
# Retrieving a user ------------------------------------------------------- def _user_or_none(self): return self._user if self._user is not _anon else None
[docs] def get_user_by_session(self, save_session=True): """Returns a user based on the current session. :param save_session: If True, saves the user in the session if authentication succeeds. :returns: A user dict or None. """ if self._user is None: data = self.get_session_data(pop=True) if not data: self._user = _anon else: self._user = self.get_user_by_token( user_id=data['user_id'], token=data['token'], token_ts=data['token_ts'], cache=data, cache_ts=data['cache_ts'], remember=data['remember'], save_session=save_session) return self._user_or_none()
[docs] def get_user_by_token(self, user_id, token, token_ts=None, cache=None, cache_ts=None, remember=False, save_session=True): """Returns a user based on an authentication token. :param user_id: User id. :param token: Authentication token. :param token_ts: Token timestamp, used to perform pre-validation. :param cache: Cached user data (from the session). :param cache_ts: Cache timestamp. :param remember: If True, saves permanent sessions. :param save_session: If True, saves the user in the session if authentication succeeds. :returns: A user dict or None. """ if self._user is not None: assert (self._user is not _anon and self._user['user_id'] == user_id and self._user['token'] == token) return self._user_or_none() if cache and cache_ts: valid =, token_ts) if valid: self._user = cache else: cache_ts = None if self._user is None: # Fetch and validate the token. self._user, token =, token, token_ts=token_ts) if self._user is None: self._user = _anon elif save_session: if not token: token_ts = None self.set_session(self._user, token=token, token_ts=token_ts, cache_ts=cache_ts, remember=remember) return self._user_or_none()
[docs] def get_user_by_password(self, auth_id, password, remember=False, save_session=True, silent=False): """Returns a user based on password credentials. :param auth_id: Authentication id. :param password: User password. :param remember: If True, saves permanent sessions. :param save_session: If True, saves the user in the session if authentication succeeds. :param silent: If True, raises an exception if auth_id or password are invalid. :returns: A user dict or None. :raises: ``InvalidAuthIdError`` or ``InvalidPasswordError``. """ if save_session: # During a login attempt, invalidate current session. self.unset_session() self._user =, password, silent=silent) if not self._user: self._user = _anon elif save_session: # This always creates a new token with new timestamp. self.set_session(self._user, remember=remember) return self._user_or_none()
# Storing and removing user from session ---------------------------------- @webapp2.cached_property def session(self): """Auth session.""" return
[docs] def set_session(self, user, token=None, token_ts=None, cache_ts=None, remember=False, **session_args): """Saves a user in the session. :param user: A dictionary with user data. :param token: A unique token to be persisted. If None, a new one is created. :param token_ts: Token timestamp. If None, a new one is created. :param cache_ts: Token cache timestamp. If None, a new one is created. :remember: If True, session is set to be persisted. :param session_args: Keyword arguments to set the session arguments. """ now = int(time.time()) token = token or['user_id']) token_ts = token_ts or now cache_ts = cache_ts or now if remember: max_age =['token_max_age'] else: max_age = None session_args.setdefault('max_age', max_age) # Create a new dict or just update user? # We are doing the latter, and so the user dict will always have # the session metadata (token, timestamps etc). This is easier to test. # But we could store only user_id and custom user attributes instead. user.update({ 'token': token, 'token_ts': token_ts, 'cache_ts': cache_ts, 'remember': int(remember), }) self.set_session_data(user, **session_args) self._user = user
[docs] def unset_session(self): """Removes a user from the session and invalidates the auth token.""" self._user = None data = self.get_session_data(pop=True) if data: # Invalidate current token.['user_id'], data['token'])
def get_session_data(self, pop=False): """Returns the session data as a dictionary. :param pop: If True, removes the session. :returns: A deserialized session, or None. """ func = self.session.pop if pop else self.session.get rv = func('_user', None) if rv is not None: data = if data: return data elif not pop: self.session.pop('_user', None) return None def set_session_data(self, data, **session_args): """Sets the session data as a list. :param data: Deserialized session data. :param session_args: Extra arguments for the session. """ data = if data is not None: self.session['_user'] = data self.session.container.session_args.update(session_args)
# Factories ------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Key used to store :class:`AuthStore` in the app registry. _store_registry_key = 'webapp2_extras.auth.Auth' #: Key used to store :class:`Auth` in the request registry. _auth_registry_key = 'webapp2_extras.auth.Auth'
[docs]def get_store(factory=AuthStore, key=_store_registry_key, app=None): """Returns an instance of :class:`AuthStore` from the app registry. It'll try to get it from the current app registry, and if it is not registered it'll be instantiated and registered. A second call to this function will return the same instance. :param factory: The callable used to build and register the instance if it is not yet registered. The default is the class :class:`AuthStore` itself. :param key: The key used to store the instance in the registry. A default is used if it is not set. :param app: A :class:`webapp2.WSGIApplication` instance used to store the instance. The active app is used if it is not set. """ app = app or webapp2.get_app() store = app.registry.get(key) if not store: store = app.registry[key] = factory(app) return store
[docs]def set_store(store, key=_store_registry_key, app=None): """Sets an instance of :class:`AuthStore` in the app registry. :param store: An instance of :class:`AuthStore`. :param key: The key used to retrieve the instance from the registry. A default is used if it is not set. :param request: A :class:`webapp2.WSGIApplication` instance used to retrieve the instance. The active app is used if it is not set. """ app = app or webapp2.get_app() app.registry[key] = store
[docs]def get_auth(factory=Auth, key=_auth_registry_key, request=None): """Returns an instance of :class:`Auth` from the request registry. It'll try to get it from the current request registry, and if it is not registered it'll be instantiated and registered. A second call to this function will return the same instance. :param factory: The callable used to build and register the instance if it is not yet registered. The default is the class :class:`Auth` itself. :param key: The key used to store the instance in the registry. A default is used if it is not set. :param request: A :class:`webapp2.Request` instance used to store the instance. The active request is used if it is not set. """ request = request or webapp2.get_request() auth = request.registry.get(key) if not auth: auth = request.registry[key] = factory(request) return auth
[docs]def set_auth(auth, key=_auth_registry_key, request=None): """Sets an instance of :class:`Auth` in the request registry. :param auth: An instance of :class:`Auth`. :param key: The key used to retrieve the instance from the registry. A default is used if it is not set. :param request: A :class:`webapp2.Request` instance used to retrieve the instance. The active request is used if it is not set. """ request = request or webapp2.get_request() request.registry[key] = auth